The NATALIE project was officially launched at the kick-off meeting (KoM) in Limoges on 9-11 November 2023 with 83 participants from 13 countries. This meeting marked the beginning of a 5-year European research project aiming to accelerate the adoption of nature-based solutions (NBS) across Europe by demonstrating their effectiveness and making scientific knowledge available to all. NATALIE project is coordinated by the International Office for Water (OiEau) and gathers 43 partners from 13 countries.
NATALIE, which stands for “Accelerating and mainstreaming transformative NATure-bAsed solutions to enhance resiLIEnce to climate change for diverse bio-geographical European regions”, contributes to the EU's "Adaptation to Climate Change" mission, aiming to empower at least 150 regions and local communities to become climate resilient by 2030.
Climate change poses significant risks to European regions, from extreme floods or forest fires to slow onset trends like sea level rise and droughts. NATALIE recognises the barriers to the widespread adoption of NBS, including their integration into initial planning, ensuring continuous monitoring, and overcoming bureaucratic and funding barriers. To address these challenges, NATALIE will test, replicate and share insights on solutions in 3 key areas: technology and science, financial innovation and societal engagement.
18 NBS will be implemented, monitored and their performance assessed in 8 demonstration sites, covering 6 biogeographical regions of Europe. The potential for replication of these solutions will be studied in 4 "follower sites".
The Kick-off meeting began with presentations by High-Level Speakers:
- Sophie Berger (Project Officer of DG RTD): Presented the Mission Adaptation to Climate Change (MACC) and emphasized NBS.
- Richard Tavares (Project Advisor of NATALIE): Highlighted H2020 project rules, the importance of collaboration, communication, and participation in MACC.
- Eric Tardieu (OiEau General Director): Welcomed participants, presented OiEau’s role, ongoing climate adaptation projects, and the support from INBO's European branch.
- Valéry Morard (Loire-Bretagne Water Agency Vice-Director): Discussed the French strategy for climate change adaptation and the role of NBS in national and basin plans.
- Mathilde Loury (French Office for Biodiversity): Presented the French LIFE “ARTISAN” project, focusing on accelerating the deployment of NBS with a policy-makers’ toolkit.
The Kick-off meeting aimed to initiate the work in the 7 Work Packages leaders and 8 Case Studies. Additionally, a visit to Demo Site n°6 included a presentation of the Vienne River site in collaboration with the Vienne Basin Development Association (SABV), featuring a guided tour of implemented NBS, such as wetland and pond restoration and riparian forest management.