On November 6th, the first workshop of Case Study 8 "Sustainable river restoration, maintenance and management" was held in Mogliano Veneto focusing on the Pianton canal within the Venice Lagoon watershed; an important opportunity to bring together our dynamic team and local institutional and organized stakeholders (associations, committees, farmers, etc.) to initiate a collaborative effort in creating nature based slutions. These solutions will strengthen our response to climate change and support a resilient ecosystem. Together, we are designing innovative approaches to address environmental challenges and improve water management, biodiversity, and climate adaptation. Engagement with Local Stakeholders: The workshop was preceded by an important meeting with the Mayor of the Municipality who demonstrated a strong interest and sincere satisfaction for being the frontrunner testing our approach in the Veneto Region. The first Transformation Lab (Diagnosis) in the framework of WP2 took place during the event as well as the meeting to elaborate the Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) tool - Causal Loop Diagram in the framework of WP6. After the completion of topographic surveys, hydrodynamic data are being collected and modelling activities entered into the full development phase. Biodiversity monitoring (bird, odonates, lepidoptera, vegetation) of the “before works” phase were completed. The aim is to demonstrate the positive impact of the NATALIE project approach on species richness and typology. A database of monitoring results is under construction. The workshop garnered positive feedback on social media, showcasing increasing public interest and strong support for the NATALIE project’s Case Study 8.